Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Jewel Houdini

David and I were working in the vegetable garden last night when movement outside the fence caught my eye. It was Jewel, happily dancing across the field, exploring and enjoying new smells. She immediately came to me, ecstatic about her adventure and that we were together. We went back to the kennel, me thinking that a gate must not have been latched tight, she had pushed it open and Phoebe must be wandering about, too . But no, Phoebe was dozing on her cot, the gates were latched and the outside gate was locked. I put Jewel back in the her kennel and wondered out loud how she had managed to get out. Jewel looked at me, wiggled her little happy dance, then immediately zipped under the outer gate and popped up at my feet! I then swapped Jewel and Tucker's kennel assignments and he thought he'd try to explore, too. But, he wasn't sure how his sister got out and ended up almost getting his head stuck. Some fast modifications under the gate solved the problem and of course, it's temporary as these puppies grow as fast as the weeds in the garden!

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