Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hard Rock Cafe

This week is our "staycation" vacation. We're taking day trips--today was D.C. with lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe! Of course, I had to get some pictures of the logo and bore our wonderful server, Morgan, with the story of Hillcroft Hard Rock, whom we call Gibson. I asked if there was a Gibson guitar pin available and she was off like a shot to check. She came back with a great deal--I could have a collectible Gibson guitar pin if I bought three more! Hard Rock Cafe is doing some charity drives, so this was an easy choice. I bought pins supporting breast cancer and leukemia research and one with the Hard Rock logo for Gibson to wear on his leash. The collectible pin I will wear for his show in Millwood at the end of the month--hopefully it will bring him luck!

Gibson's pin
Gibson's collectible pin

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