Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Taste Testers

 Our club, The Northern Virginia Collie Club, is going to have a booth at the Virginia Scottish Games as part of the Dogs of Scotland.  There will be special events for Sunday and I'm wondering if Jackson is old enough to participate in the "Terrier Wannabe" races.  The club is hoping we can raise some money by having a raffle and selling treats.  I've been going through some dog cookbooks, picking out recipes.  I'm thinking about making pretzels, biscotti and different cookies.  I think my first three days of retirement will be spent baking!  The first recipe I tested from the Three Dog Bakery Cookbook was Blue Blue Berry Berry Buns Buns.  Our dogs loved them!  I took some to share with the club's dogs at our taste testing at Casanel Winery, but they didn't seem to enjoy them as much.  Our dogs don't get lots of special treats so they might not be good barometers for testing recipes!
  Sasha definitely thinks I'm spending too much time on this project.  I need to find a cat treat cookbook to appease her hurt feelings (and to get back my dog cookbooks):

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