Monday, October 25, 2010

The Fashionista

Poor Jewel!  Her piranha babies are really rough on her and her not so subtle suggestions to stop nursing are not having much effect.  It really is too soon to separate her from the puppies so I'm trying to fashion a way to just separate the "food bar" from them until Jewel's milk dries up.  My first attempt with a t-shirt did not work out quite as I had hoped.  The puppies started to use their mother as a tug toy!  Some modifications have us on the right path as the puppies' appetites have almost doubled in less than 24 hours!  This morning was better than yesterday.  Jewel was playing with her puppies with an actual tug toy and was enjoying her babies once again.
Just one of the reasons Jewel's wearing this shirt!

Jewel's not very happy with her new wardrobe (it wasn't one of my favorite t-shirts, either!)

Once she walked around a bit and got some relief from little teeth, it seemed o.k.

The Fashionista!

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