Friday, January 16, 2009


Like most of the country, we've got extreme cold. Doesn't seem to bother the dogs, though. David had closed them in the kennel last night and usually they generate enough body heat to keep the water buckets from freezing but this morning about half the buckets had a good layer of ice. Of course, as soon as I opened all the kennel run doors and let the icy windy in, the water started freezing anyway. Sadie has developed a fondness for crunching ice--she started grabbing chunks out of the bucket as I was breaking it up! Jewel was fascinated by the hammer, thought it would make a good toy! Once everyone had breakfast and a good romp in their runs, they have settled down in the sunlight outside for their morning snooze. Sometimes I think they must be miserable in this cold and we should set up crates in the house for all eleven dogs, then I wear my sweater made of collie fur yarn. I don't have to have it on for long to realize the dogs' coats are more than adequate, even for this weather! So while they are sunbathing, I'm huddled by the woodstove, trying to work up the courage to go back outside again and do all my errands!

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