In March, we bred Dixie to CH Limerick's Reach for the Stars, a beautiful, rough mahogany. We had high hopes for a successful breeding and looked forward to puppies in mid-May.
At first, all the signs pointed to just that. Dixie exhibited many signs of pregnancy as each week passed until about two weeks ago. I began to suspect that she had either re-absorbed her litter or the breeding had not taken after all. An ultra sound confirmed that there would be no puppies this spring.
I've been breeding collies for a few years and this is not the first time that a hoped for litter didn't happen. It's disappointing but not devastating and I feel like I've learned to roll with the punches that the dogs give me. After the vet visit, we did some errands where I showed that may not actually be the case!
We went to Best Buy for a firewire for the video camera. Since it was a cool day, Dixie could stay in her crate in the Sequoia with the sun roof open. I locked the rest of the doors and we went into the store. Our purchase made, I reached into my purse for the keys but couldn't easily find them. My purse is very large and it's easy for the keys to disappear as I fish around for them, so I wasn't worried at first and I have never locked my keys in a vehicle. But, then, after taking out most of my purse's contents, I still couldn't find my keys! Panic!
We went to the Sequoia and looked in--there were my keys sitting on the center console. Seemed like a piece of cake to retrieve them, but even with David's long arms, he couldn't reach far enough through the open sunroof to get them. Assistance from a Best Buy employee with a "reacher" was just as futile and more frustrating. It was within inches of my keys. David asked for a broom, so he could reach through the sunroof and poke open the door lock, but the employee didn't have access to the janitor's closet.
He went back into the store to see what he could find to help us while we pondered how to resolve our dilemma. The best I could come up with was to see if someone would let us lower their toddler or preschooler through the sunroof and reach our keys. But, that would have been so outlandish that I'm sure one or both of us would had been arrested if we started approaching people in the parking lot with that request!
Thankfully, the employee had a great solution. He found a broom, attached a screw driver to it, then reached through the sunroof and hit the "unlock" button on my key fob! Success! We were soon on our way home where we were able to lift our spirits about the lack of puppies at a menu tasting at our favorite winery.
We'll try the breeding again at Dixie's next season. I'll definitely keep my keys in hand at all times!
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